OHS Class of 2023 Senior Walk at Von Renner. The kids were so excited to see our graduating seniors.

Our 5th graders had a promotion this morning. They each received a certificate of completion. We will miss them, enjoy Middle School!

The third grade soccer tournament has ended and the top three teams received their medals today. Congratulations!!

We also said goodbye to some of our Von Renner Family at our assembly and wished them well. Mrs. Arteaga is leaving to be the Principal at Hunt, Mr. Eddy moved to Yolo, Brittney will be at Bonita and Alt Ed next year, and Sra. Miranda will be teaching closer to home. We will miss each and every one of you and wish you well on your new adventures! Thank you for all you have done for Von Renner.

Today we had our last Friday Assembly of the year. We chose 10 TK-2 students & 10 3-5 grade students who have shown kindness.

The 4th and 5th graders also participated in the basketball throw, hockey, scooter races, jump roping, soccer kick, the softball throw, javelin, high jump, 50 & 100 yard dashes. What a great way to wrap up this years Olympics.

4th & 5th grade students participated in the Von Renner Soares Olympics today. Here are a few pictures of their running events.

We also had Team and Parent Relays st the Olympics today.

We had our second day of Olympics at Von Renner. Today TK, Kinder, & 1st grade competed. The kids participated in a softball throw, 50 & 100 yard dash, basketball throw, hockey, scooter races, soccer kick, jump rope, and the high jump. TK & Kinder kids also had an obstacle course. The kids had a great time.

Our 2nd and 3rd graders competed in the Von Renner Olympics today. There were many events: Basketball Free-throw, Soccer Penalty Kick, Hockey, Softball Throw, High Jump, Jump Rope, Scooter Races, and the 50 & 100 Yard Dashes. We also had PTO handing out yummy snacks. Thank you PTO! We are all so happy to have the Olympics return to Von Renner.

The Von Renner Olympics have begin. So far we've had our parent relays and the team relays.

The Von Renner Olympics were opened with a torch used in the nationwide torch relay for the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. It was donated to Von Renner by Karen Roberts' family. Her light continues to burn brightly here!

Von Renner had their opening ceremonies for the Olympics today. Mrs. Arteaga was the Grand Marshall. We had 5th grade torch runners that ran around the blacktop and track. We also learned interesting facts about each country that is being represented.

NAMI came from Orestimba and stoped by Von Renner today. They had a variety of fun activities for the kids to do for Mental Health Month.

Von Renner's PTO provided pizza and a drink to our fifth graders. It was to celebrate their time as a Von Renner Cougar before they move on to Yolo. We will miss them.

The CHP came to Von Renner to do a bike safety assembly. They taught the kids how to properly wear a helmet, the ABC's of bike riding, and how to be safe around school buses and how to be safe around train crossings. Did you know it takes a train almost a mile to stop? They even gave away some bike helmets in a drawing.

Here are some more picture from Von Renner's Safety Patrol's field trip. Looks like everyone had a good time. Thank you for helping to keep our kids safe all year long!

Von Renner's Safety Patrol went on field trip. Looks like everyone had a good time. Thank you for helping to keep our kids safe all year long!

Our Star ticket winners for last week. Thank you for showing kindness.

These are the last of our AR Glow Dance Party Pictures.