Mrs. Sunde’s class learning about living and non-living things during STEAM time.
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Mrs. Sunde’s class learning about living and non-living things during STEAM time.
Mrs. Sunde’s class learning about living and non-living things during STEAM time.
Mrs. Sunde’s class learning about living and non-living things during STEAM time.
Mrs. Sunde’s class learning about living and non-living things during STEAM time.
Kindergarten learning about different types of Motion during STEAM time
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Kindergarten learning about different types of Motion during STEAM time
Kindergarten learning about different types of Motion during STEAM time
Kindergarten learning about different types of Motion during STEAM time
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
STEAM activity of Jack and the Beanstalk in Mrs, Dhaliwal’s Kinder Class
Grandparents Day Lunch 9/20/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Grandparents eating lunch with grandkids 9/20/19
Grandparents eating lunch with grandkids 9/20/19
Grandparents eating lunch with grandkids 9/20/19
Grandparents eating lunch with grandkids 9/20/19
Grandparents Day Lunch 9/20/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Grandparents eating lunch with grandkids 9/20/19
Grandparents eating lunch with grandkids 9/20/19
VR Pawsome Students 9/20/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
VR Pawsome Students
Star Ticket Winners 9/20/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
VR Star Ticket Winners
New addition to the AR 50 Point Club
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
AR 50 Point Club earner
New Additions to the AR 10 Point Club
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Students who earned AR 10 Point Club
Mrs. Decator’s (Yolo) and Mrs. Sunde’s class collaborating on character traits.
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Students learning about character traits.
Mrs. Decator’s (Yolo) and Mrs. Sunde’s class collaborating on being nice, responsible, brave, and how to use your imagination.
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Students learning to be brave.
Students learning to be brave.
Students learning to be responsible.
Students learning to be nice.
Mrs. Decator’s (Yolo) and Mrs. Sunde’s (VR) class collaboration on Respect, responsibility, never giving up, and kindness.
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Students learning about responsibility.
Students learning about kindness.
Students learning about respect.
Students learning about never giving up.
New AR 10 Point Club Students 9/13/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
AR 10 Point Club Students 9/13/19
VR’s Pawsome Students (Yard Duty award winners) 9:13/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Pawsome Students 9/13/18
Star Ticket Winners 9/13/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Star Ticket Winners
Students Who Earned Their AR Brag Tags 9/6/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
AR 10 point brag tag earners & Jose earned 10 & 25
VR’s Star Ticket Winners 9/6/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
VR’s Star Ticket Winners 9/6/19
VR’s Pawsome Students 9/6/19
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
VR’s Pawsome Students 9/6/19
Ms. Yorke's first grade & Ms. Raboteau's fifth grade classes doing science together
over 5 years ago, Faith Sunde
Student investigating in science
Students investigating during science
Students investigating & logging observations during science
Students logging investigations during science