First Grade AR Goal Party

A Big Thank You to the Readers Who Came and Read to Our Classes at Von Renner for Read Across America on 3/2/20

Fifth Grades' Students of the Trimester Assembly 2/28/20

Fourth Grades' Students of the Trimester Assembly 2/28/20

Third Grades' Student of the Trimester Assembly 2/28/20

Second Grades' Student of the Trimester Awards 2/28/20

First Grades' Student of the Trimester Assembly

Kindergartens’ Students of the Trimester Assembly 2/28/20

The first week of competition has come to a close in the 2020 Footsteps2Brilliance Reading Madness Tournament. Congratulations to all those who advanced to the next round of competition and good luck to all our readers.

Von Renner's Future Chef Competition

Newest Members of the 50 Point AR Reading Club on 2/21/20

Mrs. Henriquez’s class working hard on assignments.

A look at TK-Kindergarten registration. Welcome to NCLUSD class of 2033! We are so excited to meet you.

Pawsome students who earned the yard duty award for showing kindness

Star Ticket Winners 2/21/20

Top 3 Chef’s that will be advancing to the next level of the Future Chef’s Competition. Congratulations!!

New members of the 25 point AR Reading Club 2/21/20

Our 47 new members to the 10 Point AR Reading Club 2/21/20

At this time, the health risk to the general public in California from novel coronavirus remains low. As with any virus, especially during the flu season, there are a number of steps you can take to protect your health and those around you. The Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District is advising parents, as we always do, to not send your child to school if they are sick.

Championship Game of the Teacher Connect Four Tournament