Kindergarten had fun on their Pumpkin Patch Field Trip.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
Mrs. Dhaliwal’s Class
Miss Amaral’s Class
Sra. Mendoza’s Class
Srta Garcia’s Class
Von Renner Students had fun at lunch coloring and doing Red ribbon Week Activities. A big thank you to our PTO and Red Ribbon Week Committee for making it happen.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
hand prints
painting hands
Mrs. Castillo’s 5th graders teaching their kindergarten buddies how to read.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
reading buddies
reading buddies
reading buddies
reading buddies
Today was crazy hair day at Von Renner. The kids were so excited to show off their crazy hair.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
crazy hair
crazy hair
crazy hair
Here are some students dressing up for Red Ribbon Week at Von Renner. We have worn red, jerseys and hats, and tie-dye. Tomorrow is crazy hair day.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
wear a hat and jersey
wear tie-dye
wear red
Presenting Third grade’s 1st- 4th place winners of the Connect Four Tournament.
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
3rd grade's winners
STAR Ticket Winners Each week Von Renner students earn tickets for doing the right thing. These student’s tickets were drawn and they won a prize. Keep showing positive character traits and making good choices! Our character trait for October is Responsibility.
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
TK-2 winners
3-5 winners
Your Newman-Crowslanding Spelling Bee Champions! We are so proud of all of our spellers, especially Von Renner's own Gael! These students will be advancing to the County Spelling Bee.
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
spelling bee winners
VR’s top 5 spellers
VR’s top 5 spellers
Presenting Second grade’s 1st- 4th place winners of the Connect Four Tournament.
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
2nd grade Connect 4 Champions
STAR Ticket Winners Each week Von Renner students earn tickets for doing the right thing. These student’s tickets were drawn and they won a prize. Keep showing positive character traits and making good choices!
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
TK-2 winners
3-5 winners
Third grade will begin their Connect Four Tournament next Monday.
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
Kindergarten is learning about living and non living things with earthworms and gummy worms.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
kinder investigating
Von Renner would like to present Second grade’s 1st & 2nd place winners of the Connect Four Tournament.
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
1st & 2nd place
Second Grade has started their Connect Four Tournament. Looks like they are having fun!
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
2nd grade kids
Today we had our Fire Prevention Assembly. Newman's Volunteer Firefighters came and taught the kids about creating a fire escape plan with their parents. They should also ask their parents to press the button on the smoke detectors to make sure they still work. The firefighters also let them know that the batteries should be changed twice a year in the smoke detectors. The kids got to meet Sparky and see what is inside all of compartments in the fire truck. It was a great assembly.
over 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
Fire Prevention Assembly
Fire truck compartments
3-5 grade with Sparky
STAR Ticket Winners Each week Von Renner students earn tickets for doing the right thing. These student’s tickets were drawn and they won a prize. Keep showing positive character traits and making good choices!
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
3-5 winners
TK-2 winners
These amazing Von Renner Students are advancing to the District Spelling Bee. Congratulations and good luck at the next level!
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
Top 5 Spellers
Presenting Von Renner’s top spellers in our site spelling bee. Way to go Cougars!!
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
top spellers
Von Renner is showing appreciation for all that our Lead Custodian Darcel does for us! She’s Amazing!!
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
lead custodian
Introducing Von Renner’s First Grade Connect Four Champions 1st-4th place. Congratulations!!
over 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars