These Von Renner Cougars earned AR brag tags for reaching their point club. Way to go, keep reading!
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
earned AR brag tags
earned AR brag tags
earned AR brag tags
These Von Renner cougars were honored at our assembly and earned a prize for showing kindness. Way to go Cougars!!
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
Ms. Amaral's Class is enjoying art with Mrs. Ball. They did a great job!
about 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
kids painting
kids painting
kids painting
Sra. Garcia’s Kindergarten DLI Class & Sra. Castillo’s 5th Grade DLI Class having their Big Buddies Math Art Activity together.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
Math Art Project
Math Art Project
Math Art Project
Math Art Project
Sra. Marroquin’s Class is having fun doing 100th Day of school activities.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
100th day
100th day
100th day
100th day
The following kids had their tickets drawn for showing kindness. Way to go Cougars!
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
These kids earned brag tags for the points they’ve earned reading and taking quizzes in AR. Congratulations!
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
earned brag tags
Fifth grade’s balloon train challenge.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
balloon train challenge
balloon train challenge
balloon train challenge
Mrs. Gonzalez’s & Sra. Castillo’s Rocket Launching. Eduardo’s rocket went the furthest and his egg survived from Mrs. Gonzalez’s Class. Jazzy’s rocket went the furthest and get egg survived from Sra. Castillo’s Class.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
castillos rocket launching
Gonzalez’s rocket launching
furthest launch from Gonzalez’s class
furthest launch from Castillo’s class
On Friday Night 12/19 at our PTO Christmas event 74 children wrote letters to Santa. Those letters were delivered to a special mailbox at Macy’s that will ensure the letters get delivered to Santa in time for Christmas. In addition, Macy’s will donate $2.00 for each letter to the Make a Wish charity, resulting in $148.00 donation from our event! Great job Von Renner Cougars!
about 2 years ago, Faith Sunde
Santa's Mailbox at Macy's
Letters being put in Santa's mailbox
Beyond the Bell’s Dress Up Days 12/19-12/22.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
dress up days
The Grinch joined the fun at the Von Renner PTO Family Night.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
Grinch & Me. Cope
family fun
family games
family games
Von Renner’s PTO put on a Holidays Around the World Family Night. They had games & activities for families to enjoy.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
family activities
family games
family activities
family games
Von Renner’s Star ticket winners for this week. Our character trait for December is creativity. Remember to always be kind.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
TK-2 winners
3-5 winners
Von Renner’s 5th grade students who earned AR brag tags this week, congratulations! We had one student reach 100 pints on AR…Way to go!!
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
AR brag tag earners
100 AR points club
Our fourth grade students who earned AR brag tags last week. Keep reading, books can take you on amazing adventures to far away places and times.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
4th graders who earned AR brag tags
Star ticket winners for last week. Keep making good choices Cougars! We are proud of you.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
TK-2 winners
3-5 winners
Fifth Grade Bracket Connect Four Champions. Congratulations!
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
5th grade Connect Four Champions
2nd Cup of Coffee met today and had  a Marcela Berber who is a Behavioral Health Specialist for Stanislaus County Education and Prevention Department and our school resource officer Marriott presenting on the Opioid Crisis.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars
ELAC meeting Presentation
ELAC Meeting Presentation
Ms Yorke’s first grade class learning to code for Hour of Code.
about 2 years ago, Von Renner Cougars